Some matrix (2D array) problems
1. Given two matrices, perform Matrix Addition
2. Given two matrices, perform Matrix Subtraction
3. Given two matrices, perform Matrix Multiplication
4. Given two matrices, perform Matrix Division
5. Given a matrix , output the mirror of the matrix
6. Given a matrix , output 90 degree left rotation
7. Given a matrix , output 90 degree right rotation
8. Given a matrix , make diagonal elements zero
9. Given a matrix , make elements zero except diagonal
10. Given a matrix , Make upper triangular matrix zero
11. Given a matrix , Make lower triangular matrix zero
12. Given two matrix , Check whether both are identical
13. Given a matrix , some element mXn is zero. Make the Mth row & Nth column zero.
14. Given a matrix, Adding upper & lower triangular matrix
15. Given a matrix , Swapping upper & lower triangular matrix elements
16. Given a matrix , Make the elements in the border are zero.
17. Given a matrix , Make the corner elements zero.
18. Given a matrix , perform binary search in a matrix
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