Global scholar:
- E-learning company.
Three rounds of interview :
1) written.
2) technical.
3) technical + HR.
1) Written
10 aps question
10 c and c++ and datastructure question. (easy)
c++ and c are faqs you find it in net.
datastructures question involved finding time complexity and stable sort
2) technical round (easy one)
1. reversing the linked list.
recursion (pls memorize that three lines without any error and understand it)
2. swapping two nodes in linked list.
reversing linked list of size k.
k = 3
use stack of size k.
3. binary search question.
indexes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
values -3 -2 -1 0 3 5 7 9
find value where index == value.
4. why it is bad to swap datas in linked list.
5. .h ie header files contains declarations or definitions
ans: declarations.
6. given you a window of length ‘l’.
given you a binary tree
print the binary tree to fit in the window
printed tree should be aligned in window
root should be present in the middle (0+l)/2
its left child should be at ( 0+ l/2 ) / 2
its right child should be at ( l/2+ l ) / 2
this follows for all nodes.
7. print the tree in spiral order from leaf to root.
8. another tree question
Draw a vertical line that passes through some nodes.
see below
345 400 1265 850 1000
Guess whats value is
345 = 225 + 120
400 = 150 + 250
1265 = 200+300+170+325+270
850 = 500+350
1000 = 600 + 400
sum of the nodes that lie in the same vertical line.
9. c question
fun( int *a)
a = malloc(sizeof(int));
*a = 10;
int *a = malloc(sizeof( int) );
*a = 5;
it prints 5
he asked to explain all stack and heap values.
10. N celebrity puzzle . google for it.
11. Tell me about yourself.
compiled by navin and dinesh
ReplyDeleteMy name is Hari and I am from Scotland. I have my telephonic interview with global scholar tomorrow. Can you please help me with that